
If you would like to publish a book, and would like an alternative to the traditional route of approaching a publisher, then you might consider asking us to launch your book on Amazon.

We can convert your book into a pristine Kindle eBook, making it available to all those who own a tablet, phone or Kindle device via the Kindle App.

For those who like to hold and feel the book in the hands, or read at bed-time in the absence of blue-light, we can also prepare a print-on-demand version fully consistent with Amazon guidelines.


Package Features

Launching your book on Amazon on both Kindle and Amazon includes the following:

  • Professionally formatted Kindle eBook version
  • Kindle's NCX table of contents - usually missing for widely used quick-fix exports from Microsoft Word
  • Book cover design
  • Book cover optimisation for Kindle
  • Rear cover design for print-on-demand version
  • Print-on-demand high-resolution cover formatting
  • Professional preparation of print-on-demand interior
  • Submission of Kindle and Print versions to Amazon
View some of our ePublishing customers:

Grahame Smith Sci Fi Author